I’m sure you imaging the work of content, with thousands of comments, likes and shares; The entire social media. It contains a wonderfully crafted written content along with a striking, unique images and graphics and has gone viral since you were born to write exceptional, sharable content.

Unfortunately, the reality is a whole Digital Marketing Agencies in Sheffield lot different. You write a blog post with a perfectly built it, and you wait, and you wait again … only to find that it had been completely ignored. It brings a bit of traffic, gets 2 people like (one from each of your parents) – and to share social media? You can forget about it.

So what are you doing wrong?

Read, and you are bound to find your answer. So, you want to create content that is spreading like wildfire? Start by reviewing the tips below, and apply it. By no means you can expect some traffic magically improve as well – any online marketer worth their salt knows that content marketing just does not work like that. Produce viral content taking large amounts of strategising and tons of hard graft – but continued to apply the tips below in each and every one of your blog posts and you will soon start to see results.

Let’s get started…


“On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar. ” -David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man

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Mr. Ogilvy says it all, really. Human sort of judge things almost instantly – it’s in our nature – so first impressions really do count. The title of the piece is kind of like having a strong handshake in a job interview; screwed up and the possibility of a potential employer you will not have high expectations for the rest of the interview. You have to remember that the reader must have confidence in the title, and if not, there is no way they would read the piece.

So how do you build the perfect title?

If you write articles for SEO purposes, then the title will be displayed on Google along with many others; You need to make sure it’s catchy as hell and stand if no-one’s going to click on it.

Use numbers, capital letters, and symbols – something that is visually appealing will add courage to the main information. Such words, use the three W: when, why and what – instructions like the make it think they will get something out of your article. buzz Digital Marketing Company in Sheffield words and strong adjectives such as ‘simple, fun, free, incredible, shocking, weird, awesome’ also works well.

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