So Black Friday has come back around for another year. The annual sales that began in the United States have Digital Marketing Companies Stafford actually arrived in the UK and is now a fixture in the calendar of e-commerce. This is one of the biggest sales day and every year it becomes more and more significant.

The term “Black Friday” has actually been in use since the 1950s and is used by police in Philadelphia to describe the increase in Christmas shoppers who descend from the City after Thanksgiving. That verb offer a clear indication of some of the negative vibes surrounding Black Friday as a concept. However, for consumers and e-commerce clients, this is a fantastic opportunity to save money and make money respectively. We were at the stage now where consumers are not looking for sales, they expect them. Meaning retailers who do not run ads sales tend to suffer massively.

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But you already knew that did not you? You’re ready to go, get your plan completed a month ago, and your ads are ready to go right? Well?

Ok, so you’ve not sorted campaign yet? Or you have an idea but you do not know the best way to get this across? Do not panic, you have the time (just …) to get your ad created and scheduled to be ready for sale you. Let us discuss some should be rich and good ideas to get your message out there.

Must Have – Search Ad Copy
Yes definitely, but a real must have. If you have sales, shout about it. Even more so when people search for your product. I am reminded of the Bible verse that talks about putting the lamp under cover and under your bed. There is no point having the light there? Same with your sales.

Good to have as well – ad Countdown: Countdown ads literally adds a ticking clock for your sales. Imagine a user, 10 minutes before ending your sales, look at the ads telling them they had only 10 minutes left. This is a powerful motivational tool.

Must Have – Shopping Promotion
I’m assuming here you have a merchant center and a shopping campaign set up already (because as an e-commerce site if you do not you need to speak with one of our specialists directly). Shopping campaigns have had a great improvement in the build up to Black Friday and Christmas, with plenty of choice on the filter and offers to make the process much easier. If a user sees your product, they get told you are offering promotions. Given that shopping ads can appear on their own, it is important you include this property sales so you do not miss the opportunity to shout about it.

Good to have as well – Campaign Extensions: Similarly, but in conjunction with search, promotional extensions add extra details for your search ads. This can be done for a particular sales (eg Black Friday). This may seem a bit much but why not cover all the bases? And this will include the latest must have …

Must Have – Remarketing Ads (particularly before your sales …)
Everyone understands that not everyone who visits your site will buy. In a decade of experience Search Marketing, I have never come across a perfect website. So getting these people back to the website is quite key. Make sure you also use this opportunity to further promote your sales too good to pass up, especially for people who are visiting before you start selling. At this time of year, savvy consumers are waiting to see which sales drops while, so make sure they do not miss you.

Good to have as well: Promotional Facebook Ads: Facebook remarketing come with either edition promotional advertising. This is usually best done in a carousel with a product that people look at your website, who placed the ad sales as the first image in the carousel.

Must Have – Make You Stand Out
It is the last point and is arguably the sum of all the points made. You have to make sure the deal you stand in front of your competitors. most modern customer is informed in history and Digital Marketing Company Stafford often will have all of your competitors on the same screen as you.

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