It’s not the holy grail? A website that you like, people use and ultimately make you money or bring in more customers in the door. But how many people are actually able to achieve it? The possibilities are really stacked in your favor because there are so many factors that Digital Marketing Agencies in Nottingham make the difference between sites is fine and great. So, if you’re thinking about your new website or thinking about how you can improve your current one here are 7 things you should look at:

Mobile Friendly Design
Think about how many times you use your mobile phone to see anything when you’re out on the run or browse when you’re bored. Those same people are looking for products or services, and guess what, if you have a website that is not responsive to all screen sizes people will turn around and go somewhere else. Your competitors will take people who do not have the time to expand with their fingers to read the small print you! quality design must always focus on mobile first and build up to the more common and larger screen sizes. Given the emergence of responsive design days have a separate mobile site for your business are long gone so do not even think about going down this route. Still not sure mobile is important. Here are some amazing statistics on the increase in the use of mobile and fast infographic shows how our addiction to our phones:

Optimize for Local Search

Search engine optimization is important and is also a highly specialized industry that requires understanding and patience. If you run your own business or are looking to start a new business you can quickly run out of patience as you wait for yourself you do SEO to kick. There are several things you can do though to get some quick wins. Focus on your area and you will have more success. Google places your business to sign up, send your business to relevant directories such as the local business space in your area. A kick slightly up but for your website locally will make a world of difference.

Important speed

How long is your website is currently at the current server and how many times in the past year have you actually visited it? Probably not much! Speed ​​plays a big part in converting visitors into potential or actual customers. People have zero tolerance and will not wait while your site loads. That potential customers will switch to your nearest competitors. Review the speed of your website using Pingdom or Page Speed ​​Insights. Take a look at your website response time and pass some comments back to your web developer to see if they can improve your website.

Please review your Content

Even if your website is only a few years you may have changed a lot since then. Think about the message you deliver your content and copy and keep working to make it better. This will help you turn visitors into customers. Did not feel comfortable coming up with your own way to describe how good you are? Outsourcing your copy writing through Freelancer, oDesk or Elance. There are millions of people itching to write about how amazing you are and all you have to do is throw it on your website.

Read Also:- For successful online marketing what you need?

Start A Blog

Why are blogs so important? This outlet for businesses to connect with people who are interested in what they are doing. It’s an opportunity to build community and expand your brand online to the new forum. It’s also great for SEO and also other ways to share interesting content on social media platforms. Focus on creating content that will be useful for people looking for your business. For example if you are a paint shop to talk about what the current paint trends for all renovators out there. Try not to sell too much but create information that people Digital Marketing Companies Nottingham want to read and circulate with their friends.