15 Step Website Audit Checklist (& PDF Template)

Great sites make business more trustworthy. According to web re the credibility of Stanford University, 75% of users assess the credibility of the company based on the quality of their website. Many factors contribute to a positive or negative user experience on Digital Marketing Company Sheffield sites like the way it was designed, the load speed, quality of content, ease of navigation, usability and more. Accelerate online competition in this day and age, so it’s important to make sure your website performs optimally in all these criteria. The best way to judge a website in a holistic manner is to perform an audit of the site.

Use of this website audit checklist for auditing professional websites for your clients. Take 15-step audit of our website templates at the bottom of this guide to create a comprehensive audit report. Together, 15 inspections and audits are an important first step when you start working with a new client and could also be a recurring activity as part of the annual review of the performance of the website.

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Image Credit: Google Image

Table of contents

Step 1: Check the settings in Google Analytics

Step 2: Check Google Analytics traffic trends

Step 3: Check your phone compatibility

Step 4: Assess the on-page SEO

Step 5: Check for indexing problems

Step 6: Test the speed of the page

Step 7: Perform a review content

Step 8: Assess user experience

Step 9: Make a competitor analysis

Step 10: Identify broken link

Step 11: Check keyword ranking

Step 12: Check the social pixels and tags

Step 13: Audit all 3rd party technology

Step 14: Audit URL and site structure

Shortcut: Use an SEO Audit Tool

Download website template Audit

Step 1: Check the settings in Google Analytics

Before the actual audit results in Google Analytics (GA), you should first check whether the GA has been set correctly:

Check Google Analytics tracking code

If the Google Analytics tracking code embedded directly on the website or carried out through a 3rd party plugins, you should consider moving the code into Google Tag Manager. This is a free Google tool management tag that is installed once on the site and then managed easily through the dashboard Tag Manager. This is basically a container that you can add tags / pixels (including GA) is required for tracking and retargeting or other purposes.

Google Tag Manager

Check the Events and Destinations setup

Events key actions on the website you want to track in GA. For example, you may have a multi-page registration form and you want to determine when a user makes to every step. Or you may have an image gallery and you want to determine when the user has reached the end. These actions that users can perform on your site called Events. You need JavaScript developers to add to the key actions throughout your site to notify GA when these events occur.

Goals associated with the event. It also needs to be regulated in GA in the Admin section. You can create goals based URL rules, the behavior on the website (time and page views) or Events. The difference between the event and the Goal is that the purpose should be to represent the definitive “conversion” (ie: a purchase, form submit, register, subscribe, etc.) while Events are significant actions that occur along the path to conversion.

Google Analytics Goals

If you check the GA setup your clients and you find an empty table where Goals should (as shown above) – then this is the first thing you have to help your clients to do!

Step 2: Check Google Analytics traffic trends

When analyzing your GA account client for the first time, as Paul Koks said, “ask questions first business”. If the objectives set, identify traffic sources that the highest value (or has the Digital Marketing Agency in Sheffield most conversions). This segment users and learn more about their behavior on the site. Is a visitor from a source the best-converting traffic increase or decrease over time? Conversely, the worst traffic sources to conversion? What are the short, medium and long-term trends can you identify?